Best Practice Guidelines for MND Care in NZ
8th November 2022
Best practice recommendations (BPRs) for the management and care of individuals with MND in New Zealand is now available. Developed over several years by a working group of New Zealand MND clinicians these recommendations represent what specialists in MND care agree should be the standard of care for any New Zealander diagnosed with MND. Read the NZ Best Practice Recommendations here.
NZ MND Genetics Study
27th June 2022
The University of Auckland and Auckland City Hospital teams are still recruiting for our nationwide MND Genetics Study.
Please see the advertisement below.
For further information please email our MND Genetics Study coordinator.
MND Research Network
MND Research Network Newsletters
The MND Research Network produce a newsletter three times a year with information on what is happening in the network, updates on international research, resources that may be of interest to New Zealand researchers, and events. If you would like to contribute towards an upcoming newsletter please email We would love to hear from you.
Click on the links below to view the most current and previous editions.

NZ MND Research Network Teleconferences
In 2021 the Research Network held a series of teleconferences in lieu of a face to face conference. A recording of these teleconferences are available by clicking on each date below. If you do not have time to listen to the full recording a synopsis of each presentation is also available in these links.

Australian & New Zealand MND Symposium 2022
The first Australian and New Zealand MND Research Symposium took place in Brisbane on Thursday 28th and Friday 29th April 2022 with an MND Connect – Research Live session on Saturday 30th April. A small but strong cohort of New Zealand researchers attended in person and participated in many aspects of the event. Dr Claire Reilly, Dr Emma Scotter, Maize Cao, Miran Mrkela, and Kyrah Thumbadoo kindly shared their take home points from the symposium. Click here to read more.
Recordings of the symposium are now available to watch anytime. To watch, just click on the session that you would like to view. Please note that some presentations have not been included due to commercial and/or confidentiality concerns. Click here to access the recordings.
New Zealand MND Research in the Literature
As we look forward to new decade of advancements in MND research, we thought it would be interesting time to look back at how far we’ve come as a field. We completed a thorough search of PubMed for articles published on MND by or about NZers in the last 30 years. Here is what we found!
It’s an exciting time for MND research in New Zealand. The field is changing rapidly, and with the help of our partners and supporters we’re making progress toward our goal of developing a globally connected and comprehensive national MND Research programme. Please scroll down to read the latest updates from the NZ MND Research Network; view the list of published articles on MND by or about New Zealanders in the last 30 years and keep up to date with MND publications in the news.
Best Practice Guidelines for MND Care in New Zealand
8th November 2022
Best practice recommendations (BPRs) for the management and care of individuals with MND in New Zealand was published on, 8 November 2022.
Developed over several years by a working group of New Zealand MND clinicians and health professionals around Aotearoa, who have an interest in improving care for people with MND and their whānau. Funded by MND New Zealand, these recommendations represent what specialists in MND care agree should be the standard of care for any New Zealander diagnosed with MND.
The guidelines represent the first step in an overall framework being developed in response to concerns raised by the MND Community in New Zealand, and have been written to provide clinical guidance and to standardise care throughout NZ.
Read the NZ Best Practice Recommendations here and share them with your networks.
NZ MND Genetics Study
27th June 2022
The University of Auckland and Auckland City Hospital teams are still recruiting for our nationwide MND Genetics Study.
Please see the advertisement below.
For further information please email our MND Genetics Study coordinator.
NZ MND Research Network Updates
MND Research Network Newsletters
The MND Research Network produce a newsletter three times a year with information on what is happening in the network, updates on international research, resources that may be of interest to New Zealand researchers, and events. If you would like to contribute towards an upcoming newsletter please email We would love to hear from you.
Click on the links below to view the most current and previous editions.
NZ MND Research Network Teleconferences
In 2021 the Research Network held a series of teleconferences in lieu of a face to face conference. A recording of these teleconferences are available by clicking on each date below. If you do not have time to listen to the full recording a synopsis of each presentation is also available in these links.
Australian & New Zealand MND Symposium
The first Australian and New Zealand MND Research Symposium took place in Brisbane on Thursday 28th and Friday 29th April 2022 with an MND Connect – Research Live session on Saturday 30th April. A small but strong cohort of New Zealand researchers attended in person and participated in many aspects of the event.
Dr Claire Reilly, Dr Emma Scotter, Maize Cao, Miran Mrkela, and Kyrah Thumbadoo kindly shared their take home points from the symposium. Click here to read more.
Recordings of the symposium are now available to watch anytime. To watch, just click on the session that you would like to view. Please note that some presentations have not been included due to commercial and/or confidentiality concerns. Click here to access the recordings.
As we look forward to new decade of advancements in MND research, we thought it would be interesting time to look back at how far we’ve come as a field. We completed a thorough search of PubMed for articles published on MND by or about NZers in the last 30 years. Here is what we found!