Centre for Brain Research


Associate Professor Henry Waldvogel

Current Research

Assoc. Prof. Henry Waldvogel has helped develop the Neurological Foundation Douglas Human Brain Bank in the Centre for Brain Research at the University of Auckland. This is where brains with neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s,  Parkinson’s, Huntington’s and Motor Neuron diseases as well as other brain disorders are specially treated and stored for use in scientific studies into these brain diseases. His specialty is immunohistochemical staining of sections of brain tissue and spinal cord to detect molecules in the brain which are important for identifying different brain cells and markers of neurodegenerative diseases.

Relationship to MND

This brain bank has tissue stored from patients who have died of MND and donated their brains to science.

Future Research

Assoc. Prof. Henry Waldvogel and his team will be working with Dr. Emma Scotter and her group studying the pathological changes in the MND cases that he has stored in the Brain Bank.


Dr. Emma Scotter and her team of researchers and students

Resource Gaps

Having a detailed clinical history for the cases of MND that they receive at the brain bank is very important and currently not available.

The Team

Assoc. Prof. Henry Waldvogel is part of a larger team including; Director – Distinguished Professor Sir Richard Faull, Associate Director – Associate Professor Maurice Curtis, Brain Bank Manager, Marika Eszes and a group of Post doctoral fellows, postgraduate students including doctoral students, Masters and BSc Biomedical honours students who are working on a number of projects on the diseases outlined above.


Associate Professor Henry Waldvogel Centre for Brain Research and Department of Anatomy and Medical Imaging Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences University of Auckland 85 Park Road Grafton 1023 Private Bag 92019 Auckland New Zealand phone 0064 9 3737599 ext 86051 direct 0064 9 9236051

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